New Pilots


Pilot Medical Solutions is helping more new pilots despite reductions in airman employment opportunities

December 1, 2020 –The COVID-19 pandemic lock-down has forced airlines and corporate flight departments to diminish airman employment opportunities and, like the Spanish Flu era, it appears to have awakened interest in aviation. An increasing number of new pilots are reaching out to Pilot Medical Solutions to help them obtain FAA medical certification. Is this a great example of the untamable American spirit or what? Pilot Medical Solutions flight fitness service has supported aviation dreams for would-be airmen since 1995 and in the last 12 months calls to our flight fitness hotline are way up.

Pilot Medical Solutions has gratefully embraced this latest fledgling influx which has seen its toll-free hotline calls increase Sixty-Seven percent. The new pilot clientele are receiving unparalleled support from case managers and board certified aeromedical physicians, of whom many are former FAA employees.  Physicians, aviation attorneys and allied case workers collaborate with each airman’s private physician to strengthen medical records and efficiently satisfy FAA requirements. Pilot Medical Solutions ( also support Aviation Medical Examiner education. Pilot Medical Solutions is a corporate sponsor of several aeromedical training associations including the Aerospace Medical Association and the Civil Aviation Medical Association.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Immunizations / Vaccinations

9 replies
  1. Jessie
    Jessie says:

    It’s good to see something positive is happening in this supposed apocalypse. People will resume traveling and aviation will be back stronger than ever!

  2. Mark Foss
    Mark Foss says:

    Interesting post. These days it’s rare to get any real information and especially positive trends. The news agencies are tied up in politics and any sizable company won’t admit its doing ok to preserve all the compensation for CV19’s “impact”. There’s been great losses for some but the international lockdown is at best naïve and in many cases is a scam. Private piloting is one way to get around or above the bogus COVID travel restrictions. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  3. Randy J
    Randy J says:

    I was finishing my ATP when COVID hit. In many ways the growth of grass roots aviation never really stopped. There are many pilots in the pipeline without work. When everything kicks back up it will grow like wild fire.

  4. ConnorSS
    ConnorSS says:

    We all want more from the FAA but few places provide support which reduces the FAA medical branch over-reach. Thank you Pilot Medical Solutions! Keep up the charge!!


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