Pilots and Medical Examiners throughout the world recognize Pilot Medical Solutions as the solution for FAA medical certification success.
Have questions? We have answers. Search our extensive database.
Prepare for your next FAA medical exam with our exclusive pre-certification evaluations.
We work directly with your physicians and the FAA to assure compliance with FAA protocols and to resolve complex aeromedical certification issues quickly.
A list of FAA accepted meds is provided here. The condition being treated should be considered with the medication to establish FAA approval.
About Us
Pilot Medical Solutions, Inc. is located near the FAA in Oklahoma City. We Provide Confidential FAA Medical Support. Our website, (LEFTSEAT.com), is the award winning place where Pilots, Airlines, Air Traffic Controllers and Aviation Medical Examiners (AME’s) obtain information and assistance.
You will find an exclusive list of flight surgeons who are pilots and aviation medical examiners, hundreds of pages of free aeromedical information, FREE accurate anonymous answers to aeromedical questions, pre-certification screening and online practice FAA medical evaluations.
Additional resources include: Tips for passing your next FAA medical exam, FAA approved medications, Special Issuance (waiver) specifications, physical and psychological fitness guidance, pilot job interview strategies, the AME Guide, the Federal Air Surgeon’s Bulletin, fitness & nutrition information, FAA medical regulations for pilots and FAA medical standards & protocols.
Our service features: accelerated FAA medical certification, confidential assistance for airlines, corporate and private pilots, amnesty petitions for previously unreported conditions, no travel required to obtain support, use of your own private physicians, and most importantly, person to person hands-on collaboration with you and your doctors.
Our expert aviation medicine staff has helped thousands of airline captains, corporate and private pilots with virtually every issue related to FAA medical certification. Unfortunately many pilots attempt FAA medical applications without help. They typically submit inadequate records. According to the FAA over 90% of pilots who are denied FAA medical certification failed to provide the documentation required to obtain FAA medical certification approval. We have been helping pilots for many years. Our intimate understanding of the FAA’s requirements reduces the possibility for the FAA to require more information. This exclusive pro-active support assures the fastest possible return to flying status and minimal medical costs.
You don’t have to wait. Pilot Medical Solutions has offices located near the FAA in Oklahoma City. Our unparalleled independent service affords secure fast submission of records and close monitoring of individual case progress.
When airlines, pilots and aerospace medicine physicians are looking for answers they turn to Pilot Medical Solutions. Only Pilot Medical Solutions provides this level of confidential personalized aerospace medicine answers and accelerated FAA medical certification assistance.