Pilot Medical Solutions has helped pilots from every major airline and corporation in existence.
View Our Testimonials Here

“I unequivocally recommend Pilot Medical Solutions to the business aviation community and especially to NBAA Members.”
– Joe Ponte, NBAA VP, (retired)
NBAA members are entitled to preferred rates for services available only from Pilot Medical Solutions.
FAA Medical Certification- FREE confidential phone or e-mail consultations
Pilot Medical Solutions provides personal consultations by phone or through our website consultation system. This permits you to discuss any FAA medical issues and is completely confidential. You may use the form below or, if you prefer, contact us by phone at 405-787-0303. There is no charge for an initial consultation.
Unique Approach
Traditionally flight departments and airline unions have relied upon FAA medical exams to discover potentially grounding health issues. Since jeopardizing issues were not discovered prior to an FAA exam, FAA medical certification was usually a labor-intensive, lengthy bureaucratic process. Even the simplest of issues used to ground a pilot, increasing operational and healthcare expenditures.
In 1995 Pilot Medical Solutions changed the aeromedical paradigm with Proactive Aeromedical Management which features preventive pre-certification screening.
This approach affords a confidential FAA medical certification forecast which establishes a pilots’ eligibility before their official FAA exam. With Proactive Aeromedical Management, it is possible to anticipate and prevent unnecessary grounding.
Unfortunately, thousands of pilots still lose their FAA medical certification each year because they did not obtain readily available confidential advice. Several thousand others are grounded because incomplete or incorrect information was sent to the FAA by their Aviation Medical Examiner. FAA statistics indicate nearly 50% of the applications for FAA medical certificates contained incomplete or erroneous information.
Aeromedical management is pragmatic aeromedical support which promotes safety and keeps pilots flying.
Don’t leave your flying career to chance!
A Precision Approach
Pilot Medical Solutions offers comprehensive medical management services to meet the unique needs of businesses with pilot employees.
Unlike Loss of License Insurance, this program cost effectively prevents the loss of flight privileges. Proactive Aeromedical Management assures the livelihood of flight personnel and provides many company benefits including:
- Healthcare Cost Containment
- Effective Utilization of Employee Assistance Programs
- FAA Intermediation
- Aviation Specific Health Management
- Reduced Absenteeism
- Employee Retention
- Enhanced Morale
Proactive Aeromedical Management effectively benefits pilot employees while reducing operational and healthcare costs. Proactive Aeromedical Management accomplishes this by:
- Preventing the temporary or permanent loss of pilot personnel by confidentially monitoring aviation specific health parameters.
- Providing direct FAA intermediation to assure timely and accurate resolution of medical certification problems.
- Providing the highest level of aeromedical services by assisting pilots, private physicians, and management.
- Functioning as a confidential aeromedical manager, assuring aviation sensitive medical care.
- Demonstrating the company commitment to valuable pilot employees by providing career protection services.
Pilot careers are safeguarded – health care savings accrue
Jobs in Jeopardy
One out of three pro-pilots
have medical conditions being followed by the FAA.
A pilots’ livelihood is inextricably linked to health via FAA medical certification which virtually mandates pilots maintain healthy lifestyles. Lifestyle alterations in airline and corporate pilots reduce personal risks, the likelihood of medical grounding, and corporate healthcare costs. The scheduling constraints of airline and corporate pilots present unique challenges, yet even minimal lifestyle changes often yield significant health benefits.
Company Proficiency
We provide expeditious resolution of complex issues for flight departments and professional pilots. Pilot Medical Solutions is the most proactive and reliable aeromedical information resource.
Thousands of pilots each year return to flying with the assistance of Pilot Medical Solutions. Managing cases covering every imaginable aeromedical issue, our staff has the highest experience and is uniquely qualified to deliver timely results. This proficiency enables us to provide the greatest level of service available.
Confidential proactive support and accelerated medical certification are the fundamentals of our service. This is whyPilot Medical Solutions is considered an essential and renowned resource in aviation circles.
Pilot Medical Solutions’ profound growth is driven by demand from pilots and AME’s throughout the world.
An Essential and Timely Benefit
Pilot Medical Solutions’ Proactive Aeromedical Management delivers healthy outcomes and a valuable employee benefit at net-zero cost.
Consider these comments from Joe Ponte:
“I unequivocally recommend Pilot Medical Solutions to the business aviation community and especially to NBAA Members. As a commercial, type-rated pilot who underwent major surgery recently, I had my medical back within a few weeks of my renewal application due exclusively to the efforts of Pilot Medical Solutions.
David Hale and his staff are professional, efficient, cordial and most capable. They know what FAA requires, are intimately familiar with the process, and they get results for their clients, promptly and efficiently. I am extremely grateful for their expert guidance and help in getting me back into the cockpit.”
– Joe Ponte, NBAA Vice President of Membership, Marketing and Regional Programs (retired).
Don’t leave pilot health to chance. Secure the ability to identify and solve aeromedical problems before they surface.