Pilot Medical Solutions, Inc. is an International pilot advocate service providing confidential support for all issues related to airman medical certification. We can help you add value to your flight training business and provide an added service to your pilots.
Many flight schools are at full-capacity and often there is a long wait list. While flight school prerequisites can vary, most schools require the student to obtain a Class I medical certificate prior to entry. This reduces fitness related interruptions during training and assures the flight school has a viable student for the long-haul. Unfortunately, this requirement often leaves the student with the burden to obtain an FAA medical examination for the first time with little or no guidance. This experience can change the student’s impression of the flight school and it can devastate the student’s hopes and dreams.
Every year, thousands of pilots are deferred by Aviation Medical Examiners (AME’s) needlessly because they failed to get essential aeromedical guidance. LeftSeat.com has a complimentary confidential portal which allows pilots to take a Practice FAA Medical Application, submit medications or a inquire about a medical condition to confirm FAA medical certification eligibility. Taking the time to provide pilots with this type of guidance can limit or even prevent airman grounding time.
There are many medical conditions which an AME is authorized to certify provided the airman applicant has the essential medical records to demonstrate that they are fit to fly. Obtaining flight fitness documentation can take several weeks, but, the FAA only allows the AME to hold an FAA submission for two weeks (14 days from the date of the exam). Thousands of pilots who are fit to fly, fail to obtain readily available advice prior to obtaining an FAA medical examination. Guidance from experienced aviation medical advocates can mitigate harmful delays and in some cases it can even save the pilot’s career altogether.
Complimenting the traditional service provided by AME’s, our unparalleled support provides pro-active aeromedical assistance and far exceeds the traditional level of support available to pilots. Pilot Medical Solutions accelerates FAA medical waivers and supports your business by increasing the number of available pilot customers. Our affiliate program can provides additional guidance and materials for your business and website.
LEFTSEAT.COM Affiliate Program
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to secure preferred rates.
* Practice FAA Medical Exam
* FAA Approved Medication List
* Select Pilot-AME Database
* Toll-Free Information Hotline
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