Doctor Guy Baldwin

Guy Baldwin, D.O., Senior AME, CFII

Guy Baldwin was a acrobatic pilot, flight instructor, physician and mentor to many. Baldwin was killed when his single-engine plane crashed while performing a loop at an air show.

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Guy flying the Extra

The crash happened in Tucumcari, 108 miles (174 kilometers) west of Amarillo, Texas. Federal aviation officials stated he was executing a loop, when his plane hit the ground belly first.

Tucumcari police Chief Larry Ham stated the plane somersaulted several times before coming to a rest 200 yards from where it hit the ground.  Baldwin was the second pilot to perform during the scheduled three-hour show, which was canceled.

Preliminary reports found no sign of equipment or aircraft related failure.  As usual, the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration will investigate the crash. Organizers said it was the first accident in the event’s 14-year history.

Guy “Doc” Baldwin, was 60 years old and was flying a German-made Extra 300L.

Baldwin was a physician and aviation medical examiner who had logged more than 4,000 hours in 35 years of flying. He was making his first appearance at the Tucumcari show.

Doctor Baldwin will be missed by thousands of friends, patients and fans.  He is survived by his wife, Felice Baldwin, and children, Hunter and Brittny.

Federal Air Surgeon Bulletin Article




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